Monday, June 20, 2011

أنا آسفة انا مجنون

Ok, so clearly today I'm completely nuts. I can't stop crying whenever any one talks to me and I'm having a hard time even being polite. Not acceptable. Back home I'm usually a high-functioning insomniac, so being this unstable after one night of no sleep is pretty unusual. I blame the mosquitoes. Again, something I should be able to handle. I've gone hiking and camping and I've had mosquito bites. What's weird about these is that they hurt and they itch so badly I can't sleep. I'm definitely feeling super lame for being such a wuss. It has become an epic battle between my sanity and the mosquitoes. There can be only one winner. It's difficult to say who I'd bet on, at this point.

We had our first test today and I think it went pretty well. Actually my main source of stress is coming from the Office of Financial Aid. I have to say, if there is one thing I really dislike about UW, it is how often the administrative offices make you feel like just one of way too many numbers. Hi, number 0850233, we'll be right with you. Please wait 3-4 business days. I don't feel like this is how it has to be. For example, while traveling I had confusion about when and to what institution I was paying tuition. I e-mailed both the OFA and the IPE office. IPE not only replied right away, they sent two replies explaining where the confusion came from and assuring me that I was not totally crazy for wondering. OFA still hasn't responded to that e-mail. (IPE makes me want to write haiku I love them so much.) I understand they are probably short staffed and overwhelmed at OFA, and probably also staffed by wonderful, hard-working people who rescue puppies in their spare time. But none of that matters when you're thousands of miles from home and have no idea if or when you're going to run out of money. Their job is too important, the stuff they handle is just too personal to wait 3 business days for a reply. Ok, end of crazy rant. For now I'm going to chill with my classmates, do homework, and figure out my next attack strategy for the mosquitoes.


  1. Hi Kels!
    Hang in there, just beat them to death with DEET!
    PS Wiring an early Christmas present is possible if you need an infusion of cash, so, no more worries about running out of $.

  2. Hey Aunt Les! Thank you so much! I've been using tons of DEET at it wasn't working, but my friend gave me an idea for a plug-in that burns oil and keeps them away, so last night was not bad (thank goodness.) Oh, and the lovely study abroad office called financial aid, so that is all worked out (thank goodness.) The not knowing was freaking me out.

  3. Oh man, your battle with mosquitoes sounds epically unfortunate. I'm feeling very fortunate that DEET is effective here (even if I nearly instantly sweat it off), I have a mosquito net, and (at least for me) the bites aren't as itchy as what I've gotten in the states. Best of luck getting that all sorted out... is there any other sort of cloth you can prop over your bed to keep them out? Clothing doesn't necessarily work because they will sometimes bite through it.
