Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can't give up actin' tough, it's all I'm made of...

I'm about 12 hours away from being done with college. Tomorrow I will take my last final. Maybe it's the intensity of the program, or just the intense nature of being abroad while doing it, but I'm feeling surprisingly emotional about all of it. It doesn't help that my heart feels sore like a muscle I've been overworking. I'm half in love with every single person in my program and constantly amazed by how close we've grown over such a short period of time. I'm about a week away from saying goodbye to all of them- probably some of them forever- and to my host family and all my friends in Fes. On top of this I just got the worst test score I've ever gotten in my college career, which isn't exactly the note you want to go into your final exam on. On top of all of it, I'm about to see my best friend for the first time since she went into the Peace Corps last summer and I can't wait.

So yeah. Emotions. I have lots of them.

I couldn't have gotten through today without my friends. For the walking buddy, the bear-hugs, the steadying hand on my elbow to keep me from sliding into the white board, the generous forgiveness of my ineptitude, the studying companions, the stories, the jokes and the smiles. Thanks, you guys. An education that has spanned 4 colleges in 5 cities and 2 countries over 7 years and more jobs, boyfriends, apartments, roommates and final exams than I can count is careening toward its end. 12 hours left as an undergraduate.

See you on the other side.


  1. Congratulations, Kelsey, I'm SO SO SO SO happy for you!

  2. Wow, Kelsey! I just read the last three weeks (or so) of your blog, and I must say I'm BLOWN AWAY! Who woulda thunk that a niece of MINE could write so beautifully! Most impressive. Sounds like you've been having a wonderful experience. Love, Uncle Larry

  3. Words are unnecessary in the presence of such overwhelming love for you.....
