Monday, June 27, 2011

200 MAD well spent

I bought a modem. I couldn't help it. I know a vacation from constant internet access was actually a highlight of this experience for me, but the fact of the matter is I'm an addict. Also, using the school's wifi has become impossible due the prohibitively slow connection.

Class is really getting challenging. I do not feel at all OK about the test I took today, I have my usual amount of homework, plus a five page paper due Wednesday. I'm really stressing, but I'm also finding that I'm dealing with that stress in really irresponsible ways, like listening to Red Hot Chilli Peppers at impolite volumes in the Riad and chatting with my classmates instead of working. (This is one problem that I'm happy to admit to. I have rad friends here.)

This weekend we will take a trip to the Sahara desert. There may be Camels involved. I'm really looking forward to the adventure, and also to the sweet hotel pool. (Hopefully swimming will actually take place long before that, but we're still working on getting every one ready for that.) The next weekend we may go to Rabat. Many adventures are planned. I'm still trying to balance my need to maintain a good GPA in this, my final quarter as an undergraduate, and my need to enjoy the hell out of this trip as it is likely the last of its kind that I'll be able to take for a while. I've been a pretty good student my whole life and I've often sacrificed fun for the sake of my GPA. I don't want to make excuses- I understand that the primary purpose of this trip is to learn Arabic- but I am only recently coming to fully appreciate the temptations of letting my grades slip for the sake of a good time.

So now I have this modem, which will allow me unlimited internet for a month and which I am sure I will deeply regret buying once I stop sleeping to stay up and gchat or email or facebook or blog all night. Oh well. So it goes.

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