Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mystery skull & Money

Samiya and I have decided to walk to and from the Medina. Last night we found this skull on the way home. Any ideas what kind of animal it might be?

I have enjoyed walking to and from the Medina lately. It is good exercise and it saves money. Last night I calculated how much I can spend per day if it takes 3 weeks for my debit card to get here from America, and I need to keep my spending around 100 MAD (about $15) a day in order to make my cash last long enough. That seems easy enough. Since arriving in Morocco I've spent about 200 MAD a day, mostly because I've had to pay for big things like hostel stays, train tickets, and my Moroccan cell phone. These were one-time expenses and so I'm not too worried about keeping to my new budget.

I'd feel a lot better about all things money-related if UW office of financial aid would get around to posting the summer award amounts. I understand the people working there are going as fast as they can and that a number of factors are causing the delay, but it is really, really stressful. 

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