Wednesday, June 15, 2011

On food and feeling sick

I think it's pretty normal to feel sick when you travel. The combination of stress, new bacteria, new pollen and exposure to strange food and drink will leave most people feeling at least a little ill for a few days. I expected this. I did not expect to get a cold, particularly not in 5,000,000 degree heat (this is an approximation. I'm still not really clear on how Celsius works.) But my stomach is basically a rockstar and my sinuses are completely weak. I'm surrounded by beautiful sunshine and I'm sneezing and coughing and have a sore throat. LAME.

It could be much, much worse. My American roommate is so sick she missed class today. She's been getting worse and worse so she's finally going to see a doctor, hamdulillah. I hope she gets better. I'm not sure what is making her so sick, but she suspects it was some very very fresh unpasturized cheese. They tell you not to drink the water or eat anything raw (fruits, veggies, dairy, etc.) in the medina (the old part of Fes) because of some issues with bad plumbing and water contamination. I was drinking the tap water in the Ville Novelle, but since I moved in to my homestay I have started buying bottled water just to be safe.

As promised, here is a photo of my Lizard buddy:

Any ideas for a name? 

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