Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dear Diary,

Today it is hot. I gather with my friends in a cafe to complete the truly obscene amount of homework and then we are celebrating the end of our first portfolio (5-pages entirely in Arabic about one topic) by swimming in what is purported to be the single sketchiest swimming pool in Fes. Diary, if I should be caught up in a prostitution bust later today, please tell my mother that I was just innocently enjoying a swim.

I've been trying to stay within my daily budget goals, but lately have found the stress of our workload and the actually obscene heat have driven me to indulge myself more (air-conditioned cafes tend to charge more for coffee but what's an extra 5 MAD 4 times a day?) I really need to get back to my frugal existence. I also just spent $1,100 on a plane ticket from Casablanca -> Paris -> Ouagadougou -> Casablanca for the month of August. I have to say that's more money than I generally enjoy spending at once. So back to saving! Tons of homework is just no excuse.

Why, might you wonder, am I writing like a twelve year old? The answer is, I hope, the heat. Or the sheer amount of BPA I must be consuming in all of the super-heated (and re-used) bottles of water. I thought I was being so thrifty by keeping my empty bottles and refilling them at school every day, but I think it is giving me strange dreams, not to mention the bizarre impulse to write in a diary.

Either that or I've finally gone completely mad. This conclusion seems damningly permanent so I'm going to blame it on the heat. And the BPA, of course.

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