Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Today I feel very calm. This is surprising, since I spent most of the day in very not calming activities, like getting a taxi in the sun, Medina shopping, getting my friends hopelessly lost in the Medina, more taxi negotiations, bargaining and trying to pretend my millions of mosquito bites aren't itching. Still, I think I'm over the adjustment period. Things that used to seem like major obstacles, like conversing in Arabic, not having exact change, bargaining when I know I'm getting ripped off, now seem like minor annoyances at worst and, in many cases, just second nature.

This cat gets me:

Yes, it's hot. But this cat and I are super chill today.

I really enjoy the way time passes here. I don't have to worry about rushing off to work after class (if any one from my work is reading this I miss you all and I can't wait to be back, I don't mean it like that, I promise!) And there's not even that much pressure to cram our days full of activities, both because we have so much homework and because even the simplest things we do here, like shopping or drinking coffee, have become unique experiences by virtue of them being in Morocco and conducted largely in Arabic. It is super relaxing.

My improved financial situation is definitely helping. My stolen debit card is finally returned to me, my financial aid package was better than anticipated, and the exchange rate for the cash I got out of the ATM was a lot better than what I got at the airport (even when considering the foreign transaction fee.) I allowed myself a little splurge today and bought a linen jellaba (a traditional Moroccan robe) to wear while I sleep (latest attempt to beat back the mosquitoes) and, now that I've realized how comfortable it is, really to wear pretty much all the time. It was about $45 (350 MAD) which is the most money I've spent on any single item here. It feels like a huge extravagance but it fits me like a dream so I'm not going to regret it. My main regret is not bargaining better (the guy started at 450 MAD and I would have liked to get him below 300) but oh well. I'm at least improving, thanks largely to Kristi's help.

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